How many treatments will I need?
This is dependent on how you respond to treatment. We aim to provide three or four treatments. Your Podiatrist will be able to discuss this with you.
Who can receive this treatment?
With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this microwave verruca treatment. Your Podiatrist will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and be able to advise you on this.
Is it safe?
Yes. Microwaves are a form of non-ionising radiation, which means that they can’t cause damage to the DNA of living things. The Swift system delivers very low energy levels when compared with other electromagnetic energy forms. The Swift microwave treatment is only capable of supplying enough energy to agitate water molecules and cause friction, as opposed to damaging DNA. It delivers less energy into the skin than most laser and electrocautery treatments.
Every medical product that is available in the UK and Europe must go through stringent regulatory processes to ensure compliance with the Medical Devices Directive (MDD). This is a comprehensive standard that ensures the safety of patients and users. Swift has been designed, developed and manufactured in the UK.
We interact with microwaves in more ways than we know, every day! Aside from the kitchen appliance, microwaves are used in a number of everyday applications. Standard wifi uses microwaves, mobile phones, bluetooth, and cordless phones all use microwaves to send data over short distances. Furthermore, most satellite communications systems (including GPS navigation systems) are also based on the use of microwaves.
How effective is the treatment?
Swift is the most effective treatment for Verruca that currently exists in medicine.
Independent clinical trials conducted by Dr Ivan Bristow from The University of Southampton demonstrated success rates at 76%. This trial is supported by research published by Professor Mike Arden – Jones from The University of Southampton’s Faculty of Medicine which proves how microwaves induce an immune response and thus; clear Verruca.
Case studies and Patient’s stories.
Many patients have been successfully treated with Swift. Below is a Case Study showing pictures of an actual verruca treated with Swift – it clearly shows the “before and after” result